PO Box 1280 Oaks PA: Did You Get Sued from Another Debt Collector?

Did you get any correspondence from ‘po box 1280 oaks pa’? I am pretty sure you are probably scratching your head and wondering who sent it. This address is related to the Commonwealth Health Billing Office, which offers light on its purpose.

The information in this post will walk you through understanding this enigmatic PO box and what to do if it appears in your life. Let’s dive in to clarify these answers!

What Is PO Box 1280 Oaks PA?

PO Box (short form of post office box) 1280 is an exclusive mailing address located in Oaks, Pennsylvania. It provides an immense solution for not only personal but also for business mailing purposes. It is remarkable for maintaining privacy and giving a smooth accessibility experience. It’s a reliable mailing address where the consumers don’t have to be concerned about receiving mail.

The Mystery Surrounding PO Box 1280 Oaks PA

Debt Collection Associations: 

Some individuals receive debt-related letters from this PO Box 1280 address as debt collecting agencies have been using this as their mail address.  Not to mention, the court case of Saraci vs Convergent Outsourcing which led this address to cover for a legal case. In this case, the plaintiff pointed out an extreme difference between the address given by the collector and the original location of the collector. This case increased the doubt about the legitimacy of this address.

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Business Use of PO Box 1280 Oaks PA

The use of PO boxes in business is increasing day by day. PO Box 1280 Oaks PA is not just a simple mailbox, it is a secure and private mailbox to receive important documents, invoices, etc. So, to ensure a high level of privacy, and security and to raise the qualified image this address is used for business purposes. Besides, using it in business can be budget-friendly and hassle-free. You can use this address for a home-based business to keep your location private.

Options for Dealing with Debt Collection Agencies

Debt collection agencies may use this address to send letters to some individuals to collect debts from them. If you ever receive letters about debt collection from this address- PO Box 1280 Oaks PA, then you can consider these  options below for handling such situations:

1. Validating the Debt:

For those with credit scores below 550 or above this number, you need to check if the debt is valid or not. If it is valid then demand the creditor to validate it. You can also hire a professional attorney or handle it by yourself. 

2. Debt Relief:

Those people whose credit scores are below 670 are considered as a credit risk to the lenders.  As they can’t afford loans or debt, debt relief is a convenient option because it includes lowering the interest rate, collecting multiple debts into a single one, and sparing a certain portion of the debt. It is also helpful for businesses and governments if their debts are intolerable. 

3. Debt Consolidation: 

People with a credit score above 670 are considered to have good credit and debt consolidation is a good idea for them to convert their debts into one loan payment. This will help them to settle outstanding portions of debts.

4. Bankruptcy: 

Bankruptcy is a legal process for those who are overwhelmed by debt and cannot repay to creditors. It benefits people by allowing them a chance to gain access to credit. In a bankruptcy case, judges make decisions whether a collector is eligible to file the case and whether they should be discharged.

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How to Stop Debt Collectors from PO Box 1280 Oaks PA

If you get the letter of debt collection from PO Box 1280, then these might be some crucial strategies to stop debt collectors.

Avoid Direct Contact with Debt Collector:

If the debt collector sends you a letter, it would be better to not contact them directly. They will try to contact you continuously. So it will not be ideal to contact them. But you have to send a response letter if it’s from the court. 

Debt Validation Request:

If you don’t believe that the debt is valid, then you can confirm it by sending a debt validation letter (through online or legal support resources) to the collection company. Ask them to show you proof of the given letter. This letter has the power to demand the collector verify whether the debt is yours or not. And you also need to request the address of the original creditor. You have to make sure to send the letter by certified mail address.

Cease and Desist Notice:

This cease and desist notice is a formal written request that you can send a debt collector to stop contacting you about debt. Once they get this cease and desist letter, they get nothing but to stop further contact about debt. But you have to keep in mind that it is possible for you to own debt.so, when you receive the validation and confirm that the debt is not yours, you can send a cease and desist letter to stop contacting you.

Consider Payment Options:

If it is confirmed that the debt is valid then analyze payment plans or settlements with the debt collector. Make a repayment proposal to the creditor and put the terms of agreement in written plans. However, it will be unwise to make any payments before receiving validation.

Seek Professional Advice:

If you are going through debt hardship, ask the professional planmaker for financial advice and create a strategic plan to overcome the debt problem. It may include some advice like life insurance, savings plans, investments, etc. 

As some additional resources; the Federal Debt Collection Act (FDCPA) law protects consumers from harassment. If the collector violates this law, you can seek legal action against them.


Getting letters continuously from debt collectors through an authorized mail address like PO Box 1280 Oaks PA and dealing with massive debts can be unbearable. But it is solvable as there are legal actions and laws that can save you from this problem. You have to make sure to have several options in your hand such as debt relief, debt validation, bankruptcy, and even seek help from a professional lawyer to overcome this situation. 

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